Remove OC BYOC Customer cleanup script

This script removes the license from an OC Essential customer (reverts to a lead) whose license was applied using the 'Operator Connect BYOC Customer onboarding script' (Add Operator Connect BYOC Customer onboarding script) and downgrades an OC Pro customer to an OC Essential customer. (Check).

### Script Version OC 1.0 ###
# Removing BYOC OC Customer

# in Production environment need to remove from access list
#configure network
# no access-list where description "{{CustomerId}}"
# exit

configure voip
 no ip-group where name "{{CustomerId}}-c"
 no ip-group where name "{{CustomerId}}-t"
 no proxy-set where proxy-name "{{CustomerId}}"
 no sip-definition account where account-name "{{CustomerId}}"
 {{#each SBC.DialPlanPrefixes}}
   sbc dial-plan where name "{{this.DialPlanName}}"
   no dial-plan-rule where name "{{../CustomerId}}"
do write